Piss Drenched Blonde Slut

This hot blonde slut is ready for some serious piss play. She has long blonde hair and big tits and wears tight black lingerie that leaves nothing to the imagination. She sits on a chair with her legs spread wide and eagerly waits for the guy to come and piss on her. The guy comes up to her and starts pissing on her face, drenching her hair and tits. She closes her eyes and moans in pleasure as the hot piss hits her skin. Then the guy goes to her pussy and starts pissing on her, drenching her tight slit and clit. She squirms and moans as the piss hits her sensitive areas. Then the guy moves his cock to her face and starts pissing on her, drenching her hair and tits. She opens her mouth, takes his cock in and sucks it while he continues pissing on her. Then the guy goes to her pussy and starts pissing on her, drenching her tight slit and clit. She squirms and moans as the piss hits her sensitive areas. Then the guy moves his cock to her face and starts pissing on her, drenching her hair and tits. She opens her mouth, takes his cock in and sucks it while he continues pissing on her. Then the guy goes to her pussy and starts pissing on her, drenching her tight slit and clit. She squirms and moans as the piss hits her sensitive areas. Then the guy moves his cock to her face and starts pissing on her, drenching her hair and tits. She opens her mouth, takes his cock in and sucks it while he continues pissing on her. Then the guy goes to her pussy and starts pissing on her, drenching her tight slit and clit. She squirms and moans as the piss hits her sensitive areas. Then the guy moves his cock to her face and starts pissing on her, drenching her hair and tits. She opens her mouth and takes his cock inside her, sucking it as he continues

Duration: 10:10

Views: 78

#Facial #Fetish #Watersports #Urine #Golden Showers



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