Pissed On By A Fetish Girl

A beautiful girl with a passion for piss play takes center stage in this intense and provocative fetish video. As she puts on a leather harness and a glass funnel, she prepares to receive a powerful stream of urine from her horny partner. With her legs spread wide and her pussy perfectly positioned, the girl takes a deep breath and prepares for the attack. . As her partner gets closer, she feels the heat of his cock and the anticipation grows. With a loud moan, the girl feels the first drops of piss hit her clitoris and send waves of pleasure through her body. She arches her back and pushes her hips forward, enjoying the feeling of the warm liquid drenching her pussy. The stronger the jet becomes, the wetter the girl feels. She closes her eyes and lets out a scream of pleasure as the piss hits her clit, sending her over the edge. The girl continues to pee, her pussy clenching around the funnel as she feels the heat of the liquid filling her. . She moans and groans, enjoying the feeling of being filled to the brim with urine. As the video comes to an end, the girl is left panting and dripping with piss with her pussy still tightly wrapped around the funnel. He looks into the camera with a satisfied smile, knowing he has satisfied his fetish in the most intense way possible.

Duration: 10:10

Views: 73

#Pissing #Piss #Watersports #Hd #Urine



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