Slut Pisses Face Down

In this intense and exciting scene we see a beautiful blonde slut getting excited with the feeling of pissing on her face. Completely naked and dripping wet, she stands in the shower with her legs spread wide, takes a deep breath and lets out a powerful stream of piss. As the water flows down his body, he closes his eyes and leans against the wall. , letting the feeling of the warm water wash over him. She takes a few more deep breaths, each time letting out a stream of urine until she is completely soaked in water. But it's not just the feeling of water that makes her cum. She also has a cock in her hand that she enjoys while pissing. Stroke the cock with one hand while the other is free to shoot powerful jets of piss. The sound of the water splashing against the shower wall is intense and she is completely lost in the moment. He closes his eyes and moans loudly as he orgasms. His body shakes with pleasure as he cums all over himself. As she comes down, she pulls his cock out of her hands and lets it fall to the floor with a thud. She takes a few more deep breaths and lets the water wash over her before turning off the shower and getting out. She's completely soaked in the water, but she doesn't care. It feels so good that he just wants to move on. She begins rubbing her body with her hands, letting the water slide over her skin as she reaches another climax. Finally he gets out of the shower and lets the water drip from his body. She is completely exhausted but feels so good. He can't wait to do it all again.

Duration: 10:10

Views: 72

#Stockings #Hardcore #Fetish #Piss #Golden Showers



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